Q&A – We are pregnant

If you have a question after watching the interactive video about your pregnancy and giving birth, you might find it on the list of frequently asked questions below. The list contains information about your pregnancy and giving birth at the MMC.

If your question is not on the list, please submit it via DM to the live Q&A on Instagram in advance. Our care professionals will answer as many questions as possible.

More information

Interactive video
Live Q&A op Instagram

Practical information

  • What should you bring to the hospital when giving birth?

    Make sure you are well prepared and keep a bag packed and ready at home to take with you as soon as you go into labour. Pack the following items:

    • Identity card (including marriage certificate and Acknowledgement of Paternity)
    • Toiletries for you and your partner
    • Clothes for the baby (3 rompers and 3 outfits)
    • A camera
    • Comfortable clothing, possibly pyjamas or a dressing gown, socks or slippers
    • A (nursing) bra
    • A game or something else to keep you entertained
    • A 2-euro coin for a wheelchair
    • The restaurant closes at night, so food or something to snack on is a good idea.
    • Music
    • A Maxi-Cosi car cot for discharge. (It is advisable to try out the Maxi-Cosi at home first so that you know how to fasten it in the car.)
    • Maternity pads, towels/washcloths are provided.
  • Can I safely store my belongings in the room?

    You can safely store your belongings in the locker in the room. There is a locker in every room. We advise you to bring as few valuables as possible with you. A telephone, tablet and/or laptop can be stored in the locker.

  • Where can I park when I come to MMC for my delivery?

    You can park the car in the visitor’s parking lot. Your partner can drop you off at the main entrance or take you to the delivery room and then park the car in the visitor’s parking lot. Make sure that you do not park in the accessible parking spaces. Special rates apply for long-term parking; you can inquire at the department.

  • Which route do I follow when I come to the hospital for my (outpatient) delivery?

    When you come to the hospital to give birth, follow route 105. Please report to the reception desk at the maternity suites. They will explain the following proceedings. Your midwife will have already called the hospital, and you will be expected. During your admission/delivery, you may use all facilities and care of our department.

  • Is Wi-Fi available at the hospital?

    Yes, free Wi-Fi is available via ‘MMC guest’. There is also a television in the room.

  • What are the visiting hours at the hospital?

    Our visitor policy has been changed in connection with coronavirus. For the up-to-date visitor policy, view the information about Coronavirus for pregnant women.

  • Are 'beschuit met muisjes' available in the department?

    After the delivery, we will be happy to serve you this traditional Dutch congratulatory treat. If you would like to treat your visitors, please feel free to bring your own. You may use the hospital’s cutlery and plates.

  • May I use a wheelchair?

    Yes, wheelchairs are available at the entrances. You need a €2 coin for this. If you don’t have one, you can also ask the porter for a coin.

  • May I view my medical record?

    Via the MyMMC online patient portal, you can easily view your medical data known to Máxima MC.


  • How do midwifery practices and MMC work together?

    Máxima MC works closely with the midwifery practices in the region; they have joint consultations and follow joint education and training. During these training courses, deliveries are simulated, and collaboration and communication are further improved. This collaboration ensures a good handover from the midwifery practices (1st line) to the hospital (2nd line) and vice versa.

  • What is the difference between first- and second-line delivery?

    If you give birth at home or the hospital with your midwife from the midwifery practice, this is called first-line delivery. If there is a medical indication and you give birth at the hospital under the responsibility of the gynaecologist, this is called second-line delivery. A midwife or doctor supervises second-line deliveries. During a second-line delivery, the baby’s heart rate is continuously monitored by a foetal monitor (CTG).

    If you are planning on giving birth with the midwife, but there is a medical reason to give birth under the responsibility of the gynaecologist, the care will be transferred from 1st line to the 2nd line. And vice versa; if you give birth in 2nd line, the care will be transferred to the 1st line midwife (from the midwifery practice) after the delivery.

    This collaboration is, therefore, of great importance. During a weekly consultation, all pregnancy cases are discussed by the gynaecologist, midwives and medical assistants to arrive at a joint plan. The aim is to provide the best possible care for every pregnant woman and her partner.

Preparing for childbirth at the hospital

  • I have specific wishes for my delivery, can I make them known?

    Yes, of course. During the consultation hour with your midwife or gynaecologist, your wishes will be discussed, and the possibilities examined. Your wishes will be recorded in the birth plan. Everything can be discussed openly, but keep in mind that a delivery cannot be scheduled.

  • Is there a birthing stool or gym ball in the maternity suite?

    Yes, of course. During the consultation hour with your midwife or gynaecologist, your wishes will be discussed, and the possibilities examined. Your wishes will be recorded in the birth plan. Everything can be discussed openly, but keep in mind that a delivery cannot be scheduled.

  • Is there a birthing stool or gym ball in the maternity suite?

    Yes, birthing stools and gym balls are available on the ward.

  • What should I bring to feed my newborn after delivery?

    This depends on whether you plan to bottle or breastfeed.

    If you are planning to breastfeed, then please read the section on breastfeeding for more information.

    To be able to bottle-feed your newborn baby after delivery, you can bring items such as baby food and a bottle with you. You are welcome to bring your own baby food. The hospital also has baby food and uses Nutrilon. If you want to bring a bottle, we recommend that you bring a bottle that you are planning to use often, your baby will quickly get used to the shape of the teat.

  • Should I bring a dummy?

    A dummy is recommended when bottle feeding. A dummy is not a good idea when breastfeeding. The baby misses feeding signals with a dummy, and nipple/dummy confusion can occur.

  • Can I eat at the hospital and can my partner eat with me?

    Food is free for pregnant women. If you follow a special diet, please let one of our care assistants know. Your partner can get a meal voucher from the store on the ground floor. You may also bring food with you, provided it is properly packaged. There is a microwave available to heat the food if necessary. Soft drinks, milk, coffee and tea are free for the family. Coffee and tea are free for extended family and other visitors.

  • Can my partner stay the night?

    Yes, one person may stay overnight. There is a sofa bed in every room. You do not need to bring linen; this will be provided.


  • Which care providers are present during the delivery when I give birth at home?

    When you give birth at home, your midwife and a maternity nurse will be present. Sometimes a midwife in training is also present. This is always discussed with you in advance.

  • Which care providers are present during the delivery when I give birth at MMC?

    You can give birth at the hospital in first-line or second-line care:

    • First-line hospital delivery is also referred to as a ‘relocated home birth’ or ‘outpatient delivery’. In this case, your midwife will supervise the delivery. Besides your midwife, a maternity assistant or nurse will also be present at the delivery.
    • You can also give birth in the hospital under the responsibility of the gynaecologist (2nd line or clinical delivery). Second-line deliveries are supervised by a hospital midwife or doctor and a nurse.
    • Sometimes students are also present at the delivery. This is always discussed with you in advance.
  • If I give birth at the hospital, will I be in the care of a gynaecologist?

    No, if you give birth at the hospital without a medical indication (outpatient delivery), you are in the care of your midwife and the hospital nurse.

    In case of a medical indication (second-line delivery), you will give birth under the responsibility of a gynaecologist. The clinical midwife (hospital midwife) or assistant physician (a doctor who is specialising as a gynaecologist) and nurse will supervise the delivery. We call this a clinical or second-line delivery.

  • Will I give birth in the room/maternity suite?

    Yes, you will be admitted here and stay until after the delivery.

  • Who is allowed to be present at the delivery?

    Your (birth) partner may, of course, be present at your delivery. This person may also sleep in the maternity suite. You may also ask someone else to attend your delivery, such as your mother or a friend. If you do not have a partner, it is, of course, possible for someone else to stay with you and sleep in the maternity suite. You may receive visitors after the delivery. We ask you to keep an eye on the regulations at MMC for any changes to the visitor policy as a result of coronavirus.

  • Can I choose a birth pool at MMC?

    Yes, as long as your condition and that of your baby allow it. MMC has a special birthing pool. There are also several inflatable pools available. When you call us to let us know that your contractions have started, please let us know that you would like to give birth in the pool. The nurse will take it into account when allocating the room.

    We charge €100 for the use of an inflatable pool.

  • Can I bring my own pool if I give birth at MMC?

    A birthing pool must meet special requirements. First, consult with the maternity suites to see whether your pool meets the requirements.

  • Can my partner join me in the pool during a pool delivery?

    Yes. If your partner wants to get in the pool with you, we ask the partner to wear swimwear.

  • How do I know when my labour has started?

    Labour has started once you are having regular contractions, and there is a change in the cervix/dilation. This can be seen by internal examination.

  • My waters have broken, am I in labour?

    In one in ten women (10%), labour starts when your waters break (membranes rupture). This can occur with or without contractions. Usually, the amniotic fluid is colourless/clear.

    After your waters break, your delivery usually starts spontaneously within 24 hours. If this does not happen within 24 hours, there is a medical indication due to a slight increase risk of infection. If the amniotic fluid is green or brown, your baby has pooped in the amniotic fluid. This gives reason to give birth at the hospital so the baby can be monitored by a foetal monitor (Cardiotocography ‘CTG’) during the delivery.

  • I lost my mucus plug. Am I in labour now?

    Losing the mucus plug does not mean that labour has started. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs from 37 weeks of pregnancy. The cervix is preparing for delivery. There may still be a lot of time between losing the mucus plug and giving birth. Sometimes you can also lose the mucus plug during delivery.

  • How do I know if my baby's head has descended enough?

    During the check-ups, the midwife or doctor will indicate whether or not the head has descended. If the head has not descended and your waters break, call the midwife or hospital immediately. Who to call is discussed in advance during the consultation hour.

  • What if I am not sure if I am in labour?

    If you are not sure whether you are in labour, take a warm shower. If the contractions are more frequent and regular, and the intensity increases, there is a good chance that labour has started.

  • What is the chance that I will give birth on the due date?

    The chance that you will give birth on the due date is very small. Only 4% of women give birth in week 40 of pregnancy, exactly on the due date. 53% give birth before the 40th week, and 43% give birth after 40 weeks.

  • What types of contractions are there?

    There are different types of contractions; early labour contractions, active labour contractions and pushing contractions.

  • How do I deal with contractions?

    Everyone deals with pain differently. The hormones (oxytocin, adrenaline, endorphins) that your body produces ensure that you can handle the contractions. Be positive and try to relax. When you are relaxed, your body has less stress, which means that more hormones are released, more contractions occur, and you produce the happiness hormone (endorphins).

    Breathing exercises and different positions can be tried to accommodate contractions properly. This is different for everyone, depending on where you feel the pain.

    Ask your midwife about courses on breathing exercises

    We strive for continuous support from when your delivery starts. Allow the midwife or care providers at the maternity suites help you and trust your body.

    You can also choose to deal with the contractions with TENS. This abbreviation stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Neuro Stimulation. The TENS machine is a device that gives electrical pulses through electrodes on the body. These pulses can help to cushion the contractions during labour. You must rent this device yourself. Ask your midwife about this. There are various providers available online.

  • Why am I having early labour contractions?

    These are in preparation for the delivery. The baby is descending, and the cervix is prepared for delivery. Sometimes you may develop a hard stomach in response to activity or with a full bladder. This is not a contraction.

  • What do early labour contractions feel like and how do I deal with them?

    These contractions are irregular and don’t last very long. They are not as severe and intense and feel a little like menstruation. Warmth and relaxation help with early labour contractions. Take a warm shower, use a hot water bottle or, if your waters haven’t broken yet, a warm bath or try to relax by lying down for a while.

  • What do active contractions feel like?

    Active contractions increase in severity and frequency until they reach their peak. These last for 50-60 seconds and come every 3 to 4 minutes. They can be felt in the stomach, back or legs. The contractions may make you feel nauseous, and in some cases, vomiting also occurs.

    These contractions arise during dilation and are followed by pushing contractions, which lead to the expulsion of your baby.

  • When can I call?

    In case of doubt, questions or concerns, you can always call your midwife. When you are under hospital supervision, call the maternity suites: (040) 888 95 51.

    If you feel less movement, have regular contractions or bright-red blood loss, contact us immediately.

  • How can my partner support/help?

    Your partner can provide positive support during the delivery. The partner can provide support by helping with breathing, position and massages. Your partner can help by staying informed and keeping you grounded. Your partner can also call the midwife or hospital when that’s necessary.

  • How does labour/childbirth proceed?

    This video gives a clear explanation of the course of labour and childbirth.

    Good to know:

    • For your first baby, the pushing stage takes an hour on average
    • For any following child(ren), the pushing stage takes an average of 15 minutes
  • I have medical reasons for giving birth at the hospital. What happens when my labour has started?

    If you are giving birth with a medical reason, also called a medical indication, call the maternity suites as soon as you believe you are going into labour. When you arrive at the maternity suites, the nurse will admit you to a maternity suite. The hospital midwife (clinical midwife) will assess the progress of the delivery. The nurse and midwife will consult with the gynaecologist. We try to ensure you receive treatment from the same care providers during your delivery as much as possible.

    An IV is often inserted to administer medication (if necessary).

    In the event of delivery on medical grounds (2nd line), your baby will be monitored. This is done by a continuous heart film (Cardiotocography, CTG), with which the contractions and the heartbeat of your baby are recorded. This is done through a button on your abdomen, or if your waters have broken, with a wire on the head of your baby (scalp electrode).

    The CTG is often wireless. You can walk around with it, and take a shower or bath. The CTG is displayed in the central doctors/nursing rooms so that your baby can be closely monitored even when no care providers are in the room.

  • Where do I report for a planned delivery (caesarean section/induction)?

    A planned delivery is arranged at the clinic (during consultation hours). At your outpatient appointment, you will be told where to report on the day of the induction.

    • For an induction, follow route number 105, maternity suites.
    • If you have a scheduled caesarean section, report to route 116, Obstetric High Care (OHC) on the day of admission.
  • When is the decision for induction made?

    Sometimes, in consultation, a decision is made to induce delivery. Common reasons for induction are:

    • Serotinity: the Dutch medical term for an overdue pregnancy of 42 weeks or more.
    • Approaching Serotinity: overdue pregnancy between 41 and 42 weeks.
    • Your waters break early (more than 24 hours before labour starts).
    • The baby is no longer growing well during pregnancy.
    • The mother has high blood pressure.
  • How does an induction proceed?

    Inducing labour is the artificial triggering of contractions. Together with the gynaecologist or midwife, you decide whether it is better to have the baby born earlier instead of waiting for spontaneous delivery.

    When the cervix is ripe (by this we mean soft, shortened and the presence of dilation), the waters will be broken, and you will receive a contraction-stimulating infusion (oxytocin) if necessary. If the body takes over the contractions itself during labour, the contractions inducers can be stopped. With an induction, we aim for delivery to take place within 24 hours of the waters breaking.

    If the cervix is not yet ripe enough to break the waters, it must first be dilated with a Foley balloon catheter or prostaglandin tablets; this can take several days. You will be admitted to the hospital for this.

  • How does the balloon catheter insertion work?

    We usually schedule the Foley balloon catheter inductions in the afternoon. The time and date are planned in consultation with the gynaecologist. After admission, the baby’s heart rate will be recorded (CTG).

    The midwife or doctor will carry out an internal examination. If the cervix is still not ripe (still closed, no dilation and stiff), a thin rubber tube (Foley catheter) will be inserted into the cervix. After placement, a balloon with a diameter of about 3 cm is filled with water at the end of the tube, on the side of the cervix. Because this balloon exerts pressure, the cervix changes; it ripens.

    The day after the insertion of the balloon, an internal examination determines whether the balloon is still in the cervix. If this is the case, you will be given medication that will make the cervix ripen even further. If the cervix is ripe (there is some dilation and it feels soft and shortened), the waters can be broken, and possibly a contraction inducing infusion started.

    You will remain at the hospital from the time the balloon is inserted until you have given birth. This can sometimes take a few days. The partner can be present during the stay and may also stay the night.

  • When is a vacuum extraction necessary and is the vacuum cup used?

    The delivery does not always go as planned, for example, if the pushing phase is not progressing sufficiently or if the baby is showing signs of stress during the latter part of the delivery. The doctor may decide to proceed with a ventouse or vacuum extraction. A vacuum cup, also known as a suction cup, is used.

    Vacuum delivery is only possible when there is complete dilation, and the widest part of the head is through the narrowest part of the birth canal (pelvis).

    In the case of vacuum extraction, a paediatrician will also be in the room to help your baby after birth if necessary.

    At MMC, the risk of vacuum extraction is much lower than at other hospitals in the Netherlands. For every 100 women who give birth at our hospital with a medical indication, seven women ultimately give birth by vacuum extraction.

  • When is a Caesarean section performed during delivery?

    The decision to perform a caesarean section can be decided during pregnancy or delivery, together with the gynaecologist. Reasons that may already be known during pregnancy are, for example, if you have given birth by Caesarean section in the past, if you have a low-lying placenta (placenta praevia), or if the baby is not in the correct position (breech position).

    A caesarean section during childbirth is performed when the labour is not progressing sufficiently or when the baby is in distress. If the gynaecologist thinks a caesarean section is necessary, this will always be discussed with you and your partner. The caesarean section can almost always be performed with an epidural, and you will, therefore, be awake when the baby is born. Your (birth) partner can accompany you to the operating room.

    At MMC we perform ‘natural caesareans’. This means that the mother and child stay together as much as possible. The partner is allowed into the operating room, and both partner and expectant mother can watch through a transparent screen. Photos are allowed to be taken. This will be done for you by one of the operating room nurses.

    Before going to the operating room, you will be given a purple band to wear. This is also called a bonding top. This band is placed on you so that after birth, while the gynaecologist is still suturing, you can pouch with your baby and keep him/her warm next to you.

    After a caesarean section, you can go home within an average of 3 days. This includes the operating day.

  • When is the placenta delivered?

    The placenta detaches by itself after delivery. This occurs about 10 minutes after the delivery. If the placenta does not detach by itself after more than half an hour, it will be removed in the operating room. This is very rare. In a caesarean section, the placenta is removed after the birth of your baby.

  • Will I need stitches?

    Sutures are necessary if you tear or receive an episiotomy during delivery. Absorbable sutures are used.

  • When is an episiotomy necessary during delivery?

    If the midwife or doctor thinks that the baby needs to be born quickly, it may be necessary to speed up the delivery by cutting (episiotomy). Sometimes an episiotomy is performed when the midwife or doctor estimates that the damage to the vagina or anus would be too great without cutting. For this reason, an episiotomy is almost always performed during a vacuum extraction. A cut is made after the skin has been numbed

Pain relief

  • What pain relief options are there?

    Various methods of pain relief are possible at MMC. The anaesthetist can give you an epidural. Alternatives are, for example, the TENS (a device that gives electrical pulses) and remifentanil (an anaesthetic that is given through an IV).

  • When will I be given an epidural?

    You can get an epidural 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Usually, you are eligible for this when your labour has started, and you have about 2-8 cm dilation. This is done in consultation with your midwife and gynaecologist. They will contact the Anesthesiology Department. The epidural is performed as soon as possible—how quickly this can be done depends on how busy the operating room is.

    Sometimes there are health reasons that lead to you being advised to choose an epidural for your delivery. Your gynaecologist will discuss this with you beforehand.

  • Are there also situations where an epidural is not possible?

    There may be health reasons that prevent you from getting an epidural. For example, if you suffer from extensive skin infections on your back, have neurological or coagulation problems or if you have allergies to medications used in the epidural.

  • What preparations are needed for the epidural?

    To give the epidural safely, you will first be given an IV. Your blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen level will also be measured regularly during the procedure, as well as your baby’s heart rate and contraction activity.

    After the epidural, you will receive a bladder catheter because the anaesthetic makes it difficult to pass urine.

  • How does an epidural work?

    When using an epidural, a catheter (thin tube) is placed right next to your spinal cord. Through this catheter, medication continuously flows past the nerves that go from your spinal cord to your back and abdomen. This will numb these nerves, and you will no longer feel pain in the area from which these nerves receive their signals.

    The medication will not start working until the epidural catheter is in the correct position, and the first dose of medication has been given.

  • What position should I adopt during the epidural?

    Your position during the placement of the epidural is important because a good position creates more space between the vertebrae. This makes it easier to get the thin epidural catheter into position.

    We ask you to sit with your legs to one side of the bed, supported on a stool. It helps if you remain as relaxed as possible, which can be achieved by slouching, letting your shoulders hang and bending your chin towards your chest. This will be explained to you during the procedure, and you will be guided through it. You will occasionally have a contraction. We can anticipate those.

    When the epidural catheter is in the right position, we stick it securely. You can then lie on your back.

  • How long does it take the epidural to work?

    After the initial dose of medication is given, you will notice pain relief within 5 minutes. The maximum effect of the epidural can be expected after 15 to 20 minutes.

  • Does the epidural take away all the pain – will I feel anything after the epidural?

    If the epidural is working properly, you will be numb from your belly button to your legs. Sometimes you will also notice the anaesthetic in your legs and/or feet. The pressing feeling during the contractions is not usually (completely) suppressed by the epidural.

  • What if the epidural does not work?

    Sometimes it is not possible to get the epidural catheter in the correct position. As a result, the epidural may not work at all, or incompletely, or half-sided. Often this can be solved by an extra dose of medication via the catheter, repositioning or re-inserting the catheter. If this does not work either, you can choose an alternative, for example, remifentanil (an anaesthetic that is administered via an IV).

  • What are the disadvantages/side effects/complications of an epidural?

    After the epidural starts to work, your blood pressure may drop. Your blood pressure will be checked regularly, and if it drops too low, you will be given medication if necessary. At the same time, the epidural anaesthesia will be checked to see that it hasn’t spread too far.

    You may also get itchy from the analgesic medication, have a typical positional headache afterwards or develop a fever. If this is the case, please inform your midwife and/or gynaecologist. If necessary, they will contact the anaesthetist.

    In rare cases, the epidural can cause bleeding or infection in the back, or damage a nerve. Therefore, always contact your midwife or gynaecologist if you develop leg and/or back problems. They will then consult with the anaesthetist on duty.

  • When will the epidural be removed?

    The epidural catheter will remain in place until after your delivery. After delivery, the epidural catheter is removed. This is easy. The bladder catheter and the IV are removed 2 hours after delivery. After the anaesthetic has worn off, as a follow-up, you will be asked to urinate. If you and your baby are doing well, you can go home the same day.

  • Why is the sacred hour important?

    For the first hour after delivery, we let the baby and the mother be together, with skin-to-skin contact. (This is also possible for the partner afterwards.) We call this the sacred hour. This is an important hour for the bond between mother and child. Skin-to-skin contact stimulates temperature regulation, heart rate and respiration, and stabilises the baby’s blood pressure. Your baby cries less, and the chance of a longer breastfeeding period is increased.

  • When will my baby be fed for the first time?

    Your newborn baby will be fed for the first time about an hour after delivery. Then your baby will start looking for the nipple, and it is time to feed. This can be either breast or bottle feeding.

  • When is a paediatrician present at the delivery?

    A paediatrician will assist with childbirth if your baby has:

    • an increased risk of a difficult start, in which the paediatrician must help. Defecation in the amniotic fluid, an artificial delivery or an abnormal CTG (heart monitor, which checks whether the baby is in distress), for example,
    • an increased risk of health problems in the first days of life (for example, when an infection is suspected) or
    • an increased risk of congenital abnormalities (such as abnormalities on ultrasound or medication used by the mother).

    The paediatrician will briefly assess the condition of your baby immediately after birth. If your baby is doing well immediately after birth, he/she will be placed with the mother first. Later, your baby will be checked extensively by the paediatrician. This contact with the paediatrician can be one-off, but sometimes a longer observation of your baby is necessary. The aim is for the baby to stay with the parents in the maternity suites. Sometimes this is not possible due to the medical situation, and your baby will be admitted to the infant ward. In the very rare case that your baby has serious breathing or circulation problems, admission to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) is necessary. This is also present at MMC.

After giving birth

  • What happens after childbirth?

    After delivery, the baby is placed on the mother’s stomach. After the umbilical cord is milked, the partner cuts it. This is also called stripping. The placenta is delivered in about 10 minutes.

    For the first hour after delivery, the baby remains on the mother’s breast, and there is continuous skin-to-skin contact. (This is also possible for the partner afterwards.) We call this the sacred hour, also known as the golden hour.

    After the delivery, the care providers will briefly discuss the delivery with you. We call this debriefing. The nurse and midwife or doctor will provide the necessary care for both mother and child during this period.

    After giving birth, the family is kept together as much as possible: the family is central.

    Parents and child are not separated during their stay in the maternity suites. This way, you can get used to each other as a family. During your stay in the maternity suite, your partner is allowed to be present at all times, also during the night (this is also possible for a delivery induction).

    In the infant ward, both parents are allowed to stay with the baby during the day, but only one parent is permitted to stay overnight.

  • What tests are done on my baby after birth?

    After the sacred hour, your baby will be examined by a midwife, physician assistant or paediatrician. This examination is done to see if there are visible abnormalities.

    The Apgar score is determined immediately after birth. The baby is also weighed, and his/her temperature is checked because a baby sometimes has trouble keeping itself properly warm. We can solve this by using hot water bottles, for example. If a baby has a high or low birth weight, the blood sugar level is determined several times via a small blood test.

    Before you go home, we measure your baby’s oxygen level using red light. This is a good way to detect a possible heart defect.

  • Why does my baby get an Apgar score?

    Your baby will be given an Apgar score immediately after birth to see if the transition from life in the womb to life outside the womb is going well. The score indicates whether this transition went well. Your baby will receive a score after 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes. The Apgar score takes into account the baby’s breathing, colour, muscle tone and heart rate. When the baby comes into the world crying and pink, the baby has a good Apgar score.

  • When will my baby be admitted to the infant ward?

    Your baby may be admitted to the infant ward for the following reasons:

    • Your baby was born too early or much too small and requires heart rate and breathing monitoring and/or treatment.
    • Your baby had a difficult start, or your baby’s condition is not good, requiring heart rate and breathing monitoring and/or treatment of your baby (such as antibiotics).
    • The risk of infection in your baby is so high that treatment with antibiotics by infusion is necessary (as a precaution).
    • Your baby’s blood sugar level is so low that treatment with glucose infusion is required.

    MMC works according to the Family Centered Care principle. This means that family-oriented care is central. The aim is for mother and child to stay together 24 hours a day. Exceptions are made when this is not medically justified. In any case, one of the parents can always stay with the baby overnight.

  • How long will my baby be in the infant ward?

    The duration of admission depends on the problems at play. The doctors and nurses on the ward will regularly update you about this.

  • Where do the parents stay if the baby has to stay at the hospital longer?

    MMC works according to the Family Centered Care principle. This means that family-oriented care is central. The aim is for mother and child to stay together 24 hours a day, as long as necessary and however complex the care is. Exceptions are made when this is not medically justified.

  • Can I register my newborn baby at MMC, and what do I need for this?

    Ask the secretary at the maternity suites or nurse/midwife for current guidelines.

  • Do I have to call the midwife and maternity care myself after the delivery?

    After the delivery, MMC will inform the midwife. You can call maternity care once you have given birth. When you are actually discharged and can go home, we will ask you to call the maternity care again. MMC will also inform your doctor by means of a letter after delivery.

  • How long does the maternity care last?

    Maternity care lasts eight days; this is also called the postnatal period. Depending on how your delivery went, you will go home. After a natural delivery, you go home within 24 hours, and with a caesarean section, you can go home within three days.

    At this point, the midwife’s care is transferred to the maternity nurse. Your maternity nurse is at your home every day during the postnatal period. The maternity nurse helps with the care and feeding of your baby. The midwife visits about 3 to 4 times, after which the transfer to the children’s health clinic takes place. After eight days, your baby’s file will be sent to the children’s health clinic.

  • When does the follow-up take place?

    After six weeks, the follow-up will take place at the midwife or gynaecologist. This can be a telephone appointment or an appointment during consultation hours. That depends on your situation.

  • What should I do if I am back home after giving birth and have physical problems?

    When you go home, your midwife will take over the care from the hospital again. If you have any problems, please contact your midwife or maternity nurse.


  • Why should I choose to breastfeed?

    The milk you make is precisely tailored to your child’s needs. It contains all the important nutrients your child needs, including antibodies that protect your baby against certain diseases and infections. For example, babies who are breastfed are less likely to suffer from middle ear infections, respiratory infections and stomach viruses.

    Breastfeeding also has health benefits for you. It can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. After your delivery, it causes your uterus to contract more often, helping it return to normal size more quickly. You are also less likely to suffer from heavy blood loss and often lose weight more quickly.

    Breastfeeding allows you to hold your child close to you. This is conducive to bonding with your child. Your child has a primary need for physical contact with his/her parents; it provides safety and comfort. Breastfeeding is not only about feeding, but also about providing comfort and security and promoting attachment!

  • What do I need at home to breastfeed?

    You don’t need much to breastfeed. It’s useful to buy a nursing bra in advance. Breastfeeding with a nursing bra is more practical than with a regular bra. When you wear a nursing bra, it’s not necessary to take it off when feeding. The cups at the front can be opened so that your baby can drink at the breast and the bra can remain on. Some mothers like to use a breastfeeding pillow while feeding. A pillow from the sofa or bed is also an option.

  • Do I have to buy a breast pump if I am going to breastfeed?

    No, that is not necessary. You have time to rent or buy a breast pump should you need one.

  • When will I breastfeed my baby for the first time?

    Immediately after birth, your baby will be placed on your stomach. This is important for the bond between mother and child. Skin-to-skin contact stimulates temperature regulation, heart rate and respiration, and stabilises the baby’s blood pressure. Your baby cries less, and the chance of a longer breastfeeding period is increased.

    In this first hour, a baby often looks for the breast itself and then feeds from the mother for the first time. Certain circumstances may mean that this is not yet possible. Keep your baby close to you so that he/she has a chance to breastfeed when he/she is ready.

  • How do I know if my baby has fed enough?

    When a baby is happy, growing well and has frequent wet (and poo) nappies, you can rest assured that your baby is drinking enough milk.

  • Does breastfeeding hurt?

    In the first days, it is possible that the suckling will cause the nipple to feel a bit sensitive. The pain should subside during the feeding. If latching is continuously painful or you have cracked nipples, it could be a sign that something is wrong. In many cases, this is due to incorrect attachment, but it can also have other causes. It’s then important to have an expert take a look. The cause of the pain can often be traced and remedied, after which you can happily breastfeed again.

  • When should I express milk?

    You express milk when your baby can’t drink. This can have several causes, such as during a night out or when you go back to work. You may also express to increase milk production. It could take you a while to get comfortable with expressing milk. The yield is not always immediately high when you first start. If you want to build up a supply of milk, it is useful to start expressing milk on time so that you can learn how, and so that there is sufficient supply when you need it.


  • Where can I get information and guidance regarding breastfeeding?

    It makes sense to learn more about breastfeeding during your pregnancy. This way, you will be prepared and will know what to expect. You can take a breastfeeding course online, or you can attend a meeting. Breastfeeding courses are offered by midwifery practices, maternity care organisations, private practice lactation consultants and MMC lactation consultants.

    When you and your baby are admitted to MMC, you will receive information and guidance from the nurse working in the ward where you and your baby are staying. If there are any problems with breastfeeding during the admission, a lactation consultant will be called in to provide extra help.

    After you and your baby have been admitted to MMC, the maternity nurse and midwife will guide you through breastfeeding. After the maternity period, you can receive guidance from the children’s health centre. Sometimes, however, some circumstances or problems can require specific knowledge and experience. A private practice lactation consultant can then advise and guide you. There are costs associated with a consultation. These costs are sometimes (partly) reimbursed by health insurance.