What happens during childbirth?

Every childbirth is different and feels different for everyone. In general, the following stages can be recognized.


Contractions are painful contractions of the uterus. The stronger the contractions, the greater the chance of a smooth delivery. The uterus regularly contracts during pregnancy. These contractions slowly transition into pre-labor contractions of about 30 to 40 seconds. When the contractions occur every four to five minutes for an hour, it’s time to call the hospital. This may be the start of the delivery.

When your water breaks

After your water breaks, the birth usually starts within 24 hours. The amount of water you lose differs per person.


Contractions are needed to open the cervix. Once fully dilated, namely ten centimeters, contractions are necessary to push the baby out. If the cervix is fully effaced, there is dilation and you are having regular contractions, then labor has started. By means of an internal examination, the dilation, flexibility of the uterus and the descent and position of the head are assessed. After each internal examination, you will hear how the labor is progressing.


When the head is well descended, your waters have broken and you feel that you can push, the expulsion can begin. While pushing, it is important that you listen carefully to the midwife or doctor. They will let you push and breathe alternately to avoid tearing as much as possible. After a while, the baby’s head can be seen slowly: he is ready to be born. The body usually slips out easily after an extra push. If everything is alright, then your baby is wiped off with a warm cloth and placed on your chest. After the birth of your baby, the placenta must also be delivered.

Pain Relief

To relieve labor pain, MMC offers different kinds of pain relief 24 hours a day. An epidural analgesia, or epidural, gives relief and usually makes the pain of the contractions less intense. The anesthetist will insert a tube into your back with a puncture through the skin into the epidural space. Through the tube, an anesthetic fluid can be administered during the delivery. If for any reason an epidural cannot be used, the drug Remifentanil can be administered. Remifentanil goes directly into your bloodstream.

Maternity Suites

The delivery room or maternity suite, where you will give birth and stay, has its own shower and toilet, television, radio and kitchen. The quiet, homey room is your domain during your stay. Your partner is welcome throughout your stay. If it is medically justified, you can give birth in a special inflatable bath that is placed in the room.

Family-Centered Care

At the Woman Mother Child-center we work according to the Family-Centered Care principle. This means that all attention goes to the baby and parents during and after the birth. The care is organized around the family. If medically justified, mother, child and partner are not separated from each other. No matter how complex the care is. The maternity nurse gives you the attention and care that is needed by one-on-one supervision in your own maternity suite.